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Young Reporters

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Young Reporters

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Working in small teams across three areas of reporting (social media, policy recommendations and investigative journalists). 
  • Social media - use social media skills and tools to report live from the youth forum, giving the outside world a real time insight into what’s happening in Magdeburg. You’ll be making posts regularly throughout the day using Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with relevant hashtags, links and images. You’ll be encouraged to try out different methods such as Instagram Stories, TikTok and other platforms.
  • Policy recommendations - use active listening skills to capture discussions and conversations within the youth forum and/or other activities and identify emerging policy recommendations based on them. Collate these recommendations and share back with the wider youth forum participants and team.
  • Investigative journalists - use audio and video recording devices (including your own mobile phone) to interview other participants at the youth forum and help people better understand their experience and views on the topics being discussed. You will be provided with training on interview skills and have the opportunity to practice in advance.

You will get the chance to do all of these three areas of reporting, rotating in teams through them on each of the days of the youth forum.

At the start of the youth forum you will take part in a learning playlist to help you develop the skills needed to carry out each of these roles. Throughout the three days you will be supported by Buzz, Duncan and Nerijus.

Objectives of young reporters:
  • To prepare and deliver high quality social media posts that reflect the content and atmosphere at the youth forum.
  • To capture statistical information on reach and engagement of social media activity. 
  • To identify and capture emerging policy recommendations from the youth forum.
  • To create audio and video content that reflects the content and atmosphere at the youth forum and the views of participants.
  • To complete the learning playlist and develop your skills in social media, journalism and reporting.
  • To work with the facilitators to provide an impact and outcomes report from the reporting team.

Aktivnosti koje treba dovršiti

Obavite sledeće aktivnosti, steknite značke znanja i videćete da se napredak vaše plejliste ažurira
Reporter Motivation
20 minuta
Pogledajte celokupnu aktivnost


Social media can be a useful tool to share information with a large audience. During the Youth Forum, we want you to capture highlights, key moments or information and images and spread the message about what we’re doing in Magdeburg using different social media platforms. We also want to track how many people are engaging (liking, sharing or commenting) with posts from the forum.

Watch this video and and discover five top social media tips.

Then watch this video about tips for Instagram.

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

Social Reporting Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

The owner of this badge has discovered what makes a high quality social media post, has created some posts of their own and is able to report back on the engagement and reach of their posts.
Morate da završite sve zadatke kako biste dobili značku znanja
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
Thinking about the videos you just watched, what do you think makes high quality social media posts?
Zadatak broj2
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
Share evidence of the three social media posts you produced. Take screenshots of them and share them here.
Zadatak broj3
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
Look at the social media posts you produced and calculate what the engagement  and reach was - how many people liked, shared or viewed them? Add those statistics together and share them here.
Zadatak broj4
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
What were your strengths during this activity and what were the challenges?


Magdeburg, Germany


#stay up to date with social media
#social media management
#perform interviews
#writing techniques
#interview people
#summarise stories
#Focus on what keeps you motivated
#apply social media marketing
Aktivnosti: 4
Započeto: 14
Završena plejlista: 4
Vreme za završetak: 3 dana 20 minuta
Podelite :


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